If you are using Wunderlist, you have probably noticed that it is quite expensive to download it. So if you need to download the software from another computer, you might not be able to do so. There are also many advertisements that come with the software that you will not want to see in your profile. If you have a lot of friends who are using the software, then they will want to share their e-mail address with you so that you can keep up with them. The ads that are placed along with the software are one way to get even more people to use the software. This is not the way to make it as a free application.
The free version of Wunderlist will only let you view the applications and e-mails that you add to your own list. All of the other applications are only viewable by those you allow them to. So if you do not want to see ads that are placed with it, you should avoid going over the free limit. The same applies to the free level of the premium version. The Premium version will let you put information about different friends or any other preferences you may have. For example, if you have a free password on a social networking site, then you will be able to access that site from your computer. If you are worried about getting your email hacked, then you should also avoid going over the free limits for the Premium version.
Wunderlist is not available as a free application. There are several ways to get this application. One way is to find a Mac store that sells free software. You will be able to download the software from the store for a certain amount of time and then it will automatically shut down so that you can then choose to either continue with the download or stop it.